Senin, 12 Juli 2010

i cant survive with this condition :'(

mungkin hubungan yg udah kita jalin selama 3 tahun ini harus di akhiri.
gue ga suka disaat-saat harus ngelewatin ini semua tanpa elo.
gue pengen nangis dan teriak sekencang-kencangnya kalau gue sayang banget sama elo!
gue ga kuat!beneran ga kuat.
selama ini kita emang biasa putus nyambung, tapi ga tau kenapa gue ngerasa masalah kali ini akan lebih berat dari masalah yg sebelumnya.
gue dan lo sama-sama ga bisa berpikiran dewasa, sama-sama ga ada yang mau ngalah.
gue care banget sama lo.
please ngertiin gue.
sifat buruk gue udah gue buang dulu-dulu, gue udah mau ngerti lo tapi sekarang lo ngebalas dengan apa?
mungkin sekarang lo berfikir gue terlalu mendramatisir suatu keadaan.
tapi gue beneran ga kuat hadapin ini semua.
hari-hari gue selalu di isi dengan lo, tapi sekarang semuanya udah ga ada
ga ada!
gue pengen ngulang waktu dan gue ga pengen pacaran selaama hidup gue.
nyiksaaaaa banget!

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

diamond light (nur intan)

very bored -__-

hhhhmmmm..after own vacation,finally..only at home there is no activity.huhuhu :'(
I want to go out with my boyfriend but banned by my parents because yesterday I finished a vacation with my classmates in Bantimurung (one vacation spot in Makassar)
some body help meeeeeeee!
I can't stand being at home. pleaaase take me out from this house.
but never mind because I can online at home.

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

i love this book so much

perahu kertas or paper boat
I got this book from my boyfriend AHMAD FADLI.
This book is very interesting , I liked the storyline and the story of love should Kugy and Keenan, many barriers through which them. I really love this book

short holiday but its really happy =)

*this is the next story from tired but happy
in Jakarta, I have many activity only briefly stayed at the hotel for take a rest.
my activity at the 1st day we went to the apartment that I have.
the name of my apartement is kelapa gading @gading nias street
I like the apartement, comfortable!
small picture I take from the apartement

Rata Tengah

after that we came back to hotel for take a rest again!.
@08.00PM my uncle picked us to go to PRJ (Pekan Raya Jakarta)
in there very crowded!gosh!I cant stand to be there.

@23.30PM we went back to the hotel in between by my uncle
I take a photo before sleep.hehehe -__-

and the next day, before I continued my vacation, i take a photo with my sister again!hehehe

the next vacation is we go to ANCOOOOOOOOOL dufan!yeaaaah '-'
@dufan (Dunia Fantasi)
after buying tickets with pay Rp.150.000 , the first vehicle that I ride is HYSTERIA,errrghhh!
was very afraid because this ride was terrible , we'll ride like a fly and will be dropped , like missing my heart, I scream as loud and shed tears and said AllahuAkbar. After that i feel good!
the second is ARUNG JERAM (I 've tried this before) very fun and exciting for this because we will get wet if you ride this :'''')gosh!
the third and the last is KICIR-KICIR. This ride made me dizzy and eventually vomited up to the apartment.bleak blaeak bleak (yes, like that)
I take some photo again!

next day.... Our trip to several malls like Mall of Indonesia , Kelapa Gading Mall , and never forgot the Tanah Abang to buy souvenirs.
I take photo again again and again!

the last day in Jakarta, we went to check the apartement and a visit to a cousin 's house because my plane leaves at 12.30AM,wow night flying!and we must check in at 10.00PM with sriwijaya air.
~That's my vacation in Jakarta with my family , not very special but very nice for me =D
thanks for your time to read my blog, see you in the next posting

saturday, oh NO really HOT

hello holla :D
Today I feel very hot , lazy out of the house so I'm just online.
I talked with my friend on msn , and I've downloaded msn animation.
today I really felt lonely at home, because my brother and sister went all.
I do not know what should I do at home besides online and watching the dvd.
I am very boring now , thankfully there was a blog, so I'm posting now.
I wanna take a photo, but my camera at my sister, so I cant take a photo.
thank to read my posting today. have a good day :)
see you in the next posting

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010

who know her?

siapa yang ga kenal MIKA TAMBAYONG?
oiya udah banyak posting gue mengenai sodaranya mika tambayong (alias palsunya). gue ceritain yah, DIA itu pernah ngaku-ngaku mirip mika tambayong, sampai-sampai namanya diganti TASYA (nama mika tambayong dalam sinetron kepompong). Dia terobsesi banget deh sama mika tambayong. Daaaaaan, pada suatu hari dihandphone DIA tertera sebuah foto yang dijadiin wallpaper,cantiiiiiiik banget.
dan gue bertanya "ini siapa?"
dengan PD nya dia menjawab "saya!"
gue dan teman-teman gue percaya aja gitu, ga tau kenapa kita semua ngerasa ada yang ganjal. temen cowok sekelas gue bilang "INI KAN MIKA TAMBAYONG!!!"
semuanya pada bilang gitu, temen-temen gue pada bilang "ihhh PD banget ngaku-ngaku kalau foto itu foto dia" yaiyalah!mau ngaku-ngaku! eh nyatanya berbanding terbalik, mika yang cantik, rambutnya terawat,lumayan berisi. Lo????sangat berbanding terbalik toloool! Akhirnya gue dan temen gue berinisiatif untuk mencari digoogle dan ternyata hasilnya adalah....
foto ini yang dia jadiin wallpaper dihandphonenya dan jadiin PP (Profile Picture) di FaceBooknya!
jelas aja kita semua pada SHOCK dan ILFEEL + jijik! ih bisa-bisanya dia itu ngaku fotonya sampai dijadiin PP di facebook lagi, pas gue dan temen-temen komen tu foto. Ehhh dia langsung hapus, kenapa? Ketauaaan yaaah?hahaha munafik lo!penipu!dasaaar. setelah kejadian itu, dia Sok depresi, kerasukan, ngaku-ngaku h*mil lagi.kualat lo baru tau rasa! Sekian dan terima kasih. enek gue lama-lama!hahaha

my new pet in the blog!

I have a new pet , she's very funny. I must continue to give them eat so she was not sick :( , she is a little fish. I have many colour of them . red,yellow,white,green. they are full colour I hope they can grow well. I like to maintain their.
Welcome my Little fish in the blog world :D
and I hope the FALSE MIKHA'S not to trace you my little fish